1.) The overview:
- For 1 to 99 autoclaves
- Peripherals such as shuttle and cooling tower can be integrated
- Order management
- Recipe creation / article management
- Batch reporting
- Batch and recipe archiving
Technology used (industry standard):
- TIA Portal V16 WinCC prof.
- MS SQL Server 2016 Standard (included with WinCC)
- Operating systems: Windows 10, Windows Server 2016/2019
- Use as a single computer and server / client
- Access 2016/2019 reporting system
- Script language VBS (WinCC)
- Simatic Logon
Communication PLC controls (scope of delivery WinCC)
- Simatic S7 300/400, S7 1200, S7 1500
- Allen-Bradley Ethernet / IP
- Mitsubishi MC TCP / IP
- Modicon Modbus TCP / IP
Communication with BDE, Oracle, SAP etc.
With freely configurable send and receive tables on the SQL server
2.) The solution:
Food-FactoryLine is the cost-effective standard solution for batch and recipe management especially for sterilization. The choice of WinCC for visualization and communication with the controls, the use of the integrated Microsoft SQL server for extensive process data and the universal report system from Access guarantee reliable operation.
3.) The security:
The control system supports the migration function of WinCC and can be migrated to the current Windows operating system in accordance with the service life of the computer hardware. Siemens offers WinCC upgrade licenses for this. Hardware and software are therefore always up to date and guarantee the security of the computer systems used and the functionality of the autoclave over the entire service life.
4.) The future:
With the update of your system to the Medical-FactoryLine, which can be ordered for 3 years and which, in addition to the WinCC FDA options Simatic Logon Service and WinCC / Audit, also includes FDA-compliant software documentation, FDA certification of your products for the field of sterilization is ensured.
5.) The technology:
The software packages Food & Medical-FactoryLine have been specially created for recipe management and batch logging of sterilization systems and compared to the complex systems from other manufacturers, offer the best possible uses in the field of sterilization and autoclaving.
Due to this specialization, we can implement all specifications that have been defined by production and quality assurance without compromise.
By using TIA V16 WinCC prof. As the basis for visualization, process data connection and operator management, our product can be easily integrated into Siemens‘ IT and business concepts.
The use of current and future solutions in the areas of WinCC server / client, redundancy and FDA options is thus ensured.
The scripts created for our system are all created with the existing global script VBS editor from WinCC and can be accessed at any time with a password for changes and troubleshooting.
The Microsoft SQL Server 2016 included in the scope of delivery of WinCC includes the WinCC database as well as the FactoryLine database created for us. This database is specially adapted to the requirements of the FactoryLine and allows us quick access to our data.
The use of Access as a highly flexible report system for current and archived recipes and batch reports allows the reports to be optimally adapted to the needs of the customer.
The outsourcing of the data of the completed batches in independent access databases with process values, recipes, machine parameters and alarm messages, simplifies the archiving, facilitates the later evaluation of the original data, and reduces the data load of the SQL database.
6.) External data logger:
The integration of external data loggers is realized by the subsequent transfer of the data from the Ellab CSV file. The data can then be displayed in the batch report as a curve or table together with the FactoryLine data. The batch report now contains process data, recipe and machine parameters, operator interventions and error messages and the results of the Ellab measurement.
7.) The PLC coupling:
The adaptation to different software structures and data formats takes place with a PLC software component, which is optimized by us for the respective system. In the original program, only the error acknowledgment and the start release of the sterilization are extended; in addition, a free prescription space is required for the download from the control system. By selecting the recipe number of the control system on the control panel of the autoclave, the autoclave is switched online; by selecting the other recipe numbers, offline operation is still possible without restriction.
8.) System configuration:
The system configuration can be optimally tailored to your needs and your current budget. Subsequent expansion by additional / redundant computers / servers, upgrade of WinCC licenses and migration to future operating systems have been ensured by Siemens AG for years.
Which configuration is suitable for you:

- Single place
- 1 server / x clients
- 2 redundant servers / x clients
- Office PC (e.g., when the control room is closed)
- Industrial PC (if required)
- Number and type of autoclaves (mixed operation is not a problem)
- Coupling with ProfiBus / ProfiNet / Ethernet / OPC
We support you in clarifying these questions:
immediately by phone ++ 49 4342 / 76490-0
by email to Thomas@laessig-IT.de
Overview of pictures and functions
Recipe input module:
Recipe header:

Entry and management of recipe numbers and names
Approval of the recipes for individual or all systems
Assignment of the recipes to recipe groups:
- Design, production, recipe copy
- Archive, service recipe, QS test recipe
Recipe data:

Selection of the cooking:
- Full water, half water, sprinkling
- Steam and steam compressed air
- Activation of cooking with F-value monitoring
- Input of other parameters
Recipe steps:

- Entry of up to 20 program steps,
- Input fields that are not required are hidden
- Insertion and deletion of steps
- Data can be taken over from sample programs
Recipe article:

- Entry and management of article numbers and names
- Release and blocking function of the individual articles
- Info text for each article
- Unambiguous assignment of any number of articles per recipe
Download manager module:

The batch number / name can be set individually for each autoclave. If several autoclaves are sterilizing the same batch, the consecutive batch number depends on the start time of the sterilization.
The batch number can optionally be generated from the following components:
- Batch name, machine number / designation
- Recipe number / recipe name, article number / article name
- Date / time, consecutive number
Order management module:

The batch can only be generated with a unique name:
- Status online: The batch can be selected in the download manager
- Status offline: The batch is currently available for production. not available
- Archive status: The batch will be transferred to an independent access database during the next archiving run
- The orders can be created locally or accepted and reported back in any form by higher-level systems.
Batch management module:

Approvals / blocking notes and comments can be entered retrospectively in all batch reports. It is also possible to add laboratory values. The relevant process data and error messages cannot be changed.
WinCC module error diagnosis:

All WinCC functions are available in error and message processing:
- Message list, short-term and long-term archives
- Blacklist, selection dialog, message log
External data logger:

The Ellab CSV file is transferred to the SQL database of the batch with 3 clicks and the integrated values are displayed in the batch report. The values are synchronized using the time stamp. Archiving takes place automatically with the added values.
WinCC module operator administration:

Operator administration can be done locally with the Integrate WinCC operator administration or locally / globally with WinCC Logon.
Batch report:
The data of the batch reports are displayed with Access as a front-end, the format and the data content of the reports can be easily adapted to the requirements of the QA. Automatic printing of all or only faulty batches can be defined. After the data has been transferred to an independent Access database (batch header, batch data, recipe (s), error messages and external measurement data), burned on CD / DVD or saved on a file server, only Access is required for future read access.
: All reports are also available as PDF for display and export, curve diagram with target and actual values on A4.
Recipe printout:
The data of the recipes are generated with Access as front-end; the format and the data content of the recipes can be easily adapted to the requirements of the QA. The recipe is then displayed / printed out as a PDF and archived.
Archiving module
Archive PDF:

A batch report is automatically created in PDF format for all batches. In addition, the recipe used in the sterilization is also saved in PDF format in the B.